Matsuta Family to Receive New Home!

When Ryan and I (Josh Hackworth) met the Matsuta family on our first trip to Ukraine, we were so touched by their story that we committed to raising funds for a home for them—and we did it! They will be receiving a brand-new home on June 13th.

Mykhailo (79) worked hard all his life as a porter, unloading cargo from wagons and trucks. Nadezhda (70) worked at a radio equipment factory, making parts for various appliances found in homes across the country. Now retired, they spent their free time caring for their homestead and raising poultry. Mykhailo enjoys fishing.

Their daughter, Elena (43), is a senior nurse at a psychiatric hospital. During the Russian occupation in February-March 2022, she remained with her patients for 60 days in the hospital basement. “My work consists of providing assistance to patients with mental disorders, taking care of them, and offering rehabilitation and social assistance,” Elena explains. She holds a certificate from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for working in wartime.

The Matsuta family enjoyed a peaceful life in their cozy house until February 24, when their world was shattered by the onset of war. Mykhailo went to work as usual, while Nadezhda stayed home. Elena, working a night shift at the hospital, was trapped there for three months under occupation, losing contact with her family. Mykhailo and Nadezhda took shelter in their cellar during the shelling.

On March 5, a terrible explosion caused their house to burn down. Neighbors helped them escape, but the sight of their home in flames left them in despair. They took refuge in their son’s basement storage room until March 8, when they fled to Chernihiv with the help of kind people. On March 17, they moved to the village of Kozeltsi to stay with relatives. Despite losing their home, they returned to their native village on May 9 and were given a room in a modular town.

The greatest joy for Mykhailo and Nadezhda was reuniting with their daughter, Elena. They constantly thank God for sparing their lives. The family’s biggest dream is to rebuild their home and start farming again.

Thanks to your support, Hope and Horizons is making this dream a reality. On June 13th, we will present the Matsuta family with a brand-new home, providing them with a fresh start and hope for brighter tomorrows.